Wednesday, April 1, 2009


When I am sad. She gives me a laughter that makes my belly ache and my cheeks hurt. When my confidence is shaky. she reminds I stand on the highest pedestal. When I am broken. She makes the moves to uplift and rebuild. When my will is weak & I just can't go on. She knows just what to play...knows just what to say 2 right the wrongs. She stands up 4 me when I'm in no mood 2 fight. In my darkest hour. She is the sweetest light. It amazes me at times. The strength of love. a friend like that. a blessing from above.
We compose hyms 2 our Saviors. Write letters to lovers. But when do we ever go beyond Hallmark or egreetings 2 express to our friends how grateful we are to have them? My bestie and I rarely fight....but there's nothing like a war of the roses to remind you just how much u appreciate the ones closest to you. like a flower, any relationship or friendship takes tenderness & nurturing in order 2 flourish. should u prick ur finger on a thorn...the beauty still remains. u admire the blossom as a whole entity....not the fact u just got pricked. anyway, i digress. I'm just writing bc we all need 2 remember our real friends. the ones you used 2 bathe w. the ones who forged all your absent notes. the one u used to shoplift w. the one u experimented w. the one u used to sit outside the club and drink w bc yall were 2 young or 2 broke 2 drink inside. The 1 who knows ALLL your business & has been so nice not 2 air ur dirty laundry. the one who enourages your swag...reconizes your potential when you've forgotten u have it. the ones who knows your a star & forces you 2 see inside yourself where others can't. the 1 who knows despite your carefree ways...that all your life you've been soft.
I been tellin my circle of friends just how much they mean 2 me. over the past month a few heart 2 hearts have been had. but like most, i neglected the person closest me. didn't tell her what she means. so I dropped these couple lines as a shout out....let my scribes be a reminder. I love you, my sister, my bestfriend forever.


Anonymous said...

Words are not enough to say how much it means to me to read this-I'm not quite as articulate but you're the only person who really, truly knows me, what makes me tick, what a specific face means-have you ever noticed I'm only funny with you? :) I can't let my guard down enough to show anyone else that side of me...I was thinking about that the other day...but I digress-you are right, there's nothing like a temporary turn into a hornets nest to make two wasps realize how much they mean to one another. If I havent made it clear, or if I havent said it lately, you're my family chica. Love u

Anonymous said...

Oh and I stand by my new favorite phrase-ALL YOUR LIFE YOU'VE BEEN SOFT! lls ;) Oh we should have our own reality show! lol

ndcush said...

That is Special:) It's an awesome feeling to be at rock bottom, against all odds, broken down to nothing and look to the East, West, North and South to find someone there for you, especially someone physical, tangible, visible. I found my BFF in difficult situation. My BFF was not visible, but that's because my eyes were closed, my BFF was not tangible but that's because I wasn't reaching out to Him or touching the many things He placed in my life. Their is only one Being, One King, only something I believe in without seeing. BFF's are the BEST. God Bless You two.

JStar said...

Aww thats sweet....