Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Labels are for losers. I jokingly shouted this line to a very dear friend of mine just the other day and did not realize how true the words are. How often do we judge, throw stones, act inhumane to others just because of the labels society has placed upon them? How often do we beat ourselves up fearing what others may think? It is sad that in this day and age one is more preoccupied with being judged or misunderstood than the joy and ecstasy the can receive in losing themselves. I think sprite said it best with the whole "Image is Nothing, thirst is Everything." I couldn't have said it better. It makes so much sense. The power of marketing. Some of those bigwigs really know what they're doing. But back to matter at hand, do you ever say fuck it and just do it? Not to piggy back off Monday's post but just to risky would one be if there was no one watching? No one to judge? No one to question or sneer or look at disapprovingly. What names would you allow someone to call you or what alter ego would you take on? If you could get away with the crime, would you go through with the plot? If karma wasn't a factor, if it was just as innocent as it was taboo? Could you go all out with a fantasy or a fulfill a fetish? Could you let go of inhibitions, fears and insecurities ? Could you do it wearing a mask? You know, like acting, but a step beyond role playing. What if you could assume the character? What would it take for you, the average, run-the-mill to do the not so average? Think about it.

1 comment:

ndcush said...

Keep them "cummin" Queen:)
I don't know what the hell I would do if no one was looking. I guess it would depend on where I was. (LOL)