Monday, June 23, 2008


My question originally was why men can't seem 2 treat the black woman right? Why do all men on some level believe the black woman isnt willing 2 go the extra mile for her man? It's believed by men of all ages, body types, religous backgrounds, financial stature, & creed that however smart or beautiful, the black woman lacks a certain skill when it comes to loving their men. Add the label about them all having "bad attitudes," or "aggressive/angry nature," either resulting from environment or natural disposition & man...I feel any being regardless of race can fall victim 2 an agressive or hostile disposition. 1 must first remove the veil of crutch & label. Don't make excuses for yourselves black women, & blame your eye rolling, neck poppin, lip smackin on having grown up in the ghetto or acient years of oppression/abuse. Nor you oppressor with your opinions point & label commanding self respect as a having a "bad attitude." In asking the other to be fair in judgemnet, be concious of how you represent yourself. Take not their labels & defend them or make excuses. Dont give life 2 what is untrue. Ritcheously & humbling dispell their trickery by breathing light n2 what it is the enemy is blind to. So now my question is how will you, black woman in all your glory & splendor undue the cycle of injustice.? How will you break the curse. Simply teach what they do not know. Continue 2 reprsent yourself n a reflection of your true self. Sure more baby mammas are black but they are impregnated by all diff races of men. So black more selective in whom you give evrything 2. Spend more time n prayer. Meditate on what you pray about. Be not bitter over the cards life has dealt: men who've hurt u, fathers who didn't love u, mothers who didn't teach not victim, rather a triumphant survivor. Maker of anew. Come on ladies let's show em how its done. Get it together girls. As a black women u r not lacking, you've actually got that secret something extra the world could benefit from. Shine


JStar said...

You are so right lady...I think its that some men cant handle a black woman and all of her glory, might and force. She wont let her man come half steppin. I get black men coming to me thinking they can treat me any kind of way because I am white. A lot of men just dont want to step up...Thats the problem now days...If he was the man he was supposed to be then he wouldnt have done something to piss you off and you wouldnt have had to do and say certain things that he could use as aggression. They are scared of their match...

The You Axis said...

Yes, girl. A simply dicussion started a riot. You know I had to blog it up