Monday, June 23, 2008

Forget me Not

Take me away. Color me a beautiful place. Paint the portrait that is the pathway to your soul. Build me the bridge that brings me nearer to you heart. Convey with imagery and riddles all the small things that make up you. Reveal to me the blueprint, the map that will guide me in. Tell me once, tell me twice, tell me three times more after that. Then tell me again. Sing me a lullaby, leave clues in your lyrics. Write it amongst the clouds and then spell it out with stars. Hear my plea as it comes from the core. I want to know your depth...then some more. Be not afraid of me wanting to go deeper. Let me in. So softly I anyone there? My coyest plea...does it fall on deaf ears? Take a chance on me, I won't let you down. Leave a trail, control my steps. Show me what it requires...i am well euipped. Challenge me with all your might. I was made for it. Built tough. -So often we ignore or simply miss out on what is everything we need. If its not right then you won't mind going without. however...we all have that one that we let go. The one that slipped thru the cracks of our wreckless fingertips. I worry not 'bout who I've left or skipped over. Confident am I in my decisions. I live with immediate abandon of any and all regrets. But, I do fret over the hearts I've broken. Time heals all wounds true, but it's not like pain comes with an expiration date. Fairly speaking....the duration of the infliction does not determine the magnitude of devastation. Nor can it be used to measure how long it takes to heal. Each individual is armed with a different weaponary...objectively one more prepared for battle than the next. The war raging inside is different from host to host. So be humble to the requets made unto thee. Be it for friendship, love, kindness even the unconcious ones like forgiveness and remembrancce. Actions will always speak louder than words so hear even the silent ones. Be generous. Open your eyes so that you can see. Open your heart so that you can give and receive love


JStar said...

Perfectly written...

The You Axis said...

Thank you darling