Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Feel the sadness. Mask not, nor delay. Wear it on the inside. Own it on the outside. Fault not your own. And even when so, feel the hurt. Go thru it to get over it. Throw giggles over your shoulder and caution to the wind. Coo when you speak, and always be polite. Listen and weed out simultaneously. Know when it's real versus just some more dirty laundry. Tap into the unknown, fear not what you may unleash. Be aware when the angels try to guide you. Listen when God speaks. Trust your gut. Logic and reason will run circles around each other. Burn your candles. Take your baths. Do your hair. Paint your nails. Cry your tears. No one is immune to doesn't discriminate. Be bad. Be free. Be good, wholesome and ladylike. Demand your respect. Take what is yours. Claim your position. Take your vitamins, drink your water and eat your yogurt. Each your veggies and the fruit. Read, learn, grow. Find your signature and leave your mark. The world is your canvas and life is an art. Do for you, even when it burns. Even when you're tired. Play your music loud. Dance. Find your rhythm. Chant, stretch, bend, play with crystals and prisms. Go deeper, even you are scared. Say goodbye, even when it hurts. Stand up straight and take your deep breaths. Keep going, even when you sweat. Especially when you sweat, and begin to shiver. Lady state, holds hostage my lover. Dear mistress of distance, I command you set him free. Relinquish the chains of time, deliver him to me. Dear young daughters of Jerusalem, do not wake nor stir up love until it is ready. How pleasantly it pours from me. I am the river he is the shore. Be not impatient, it cometh on the wings of a comet soon after the war.


Anonymous said...

I love this lady...Its like you are saying be yourself...yea we all go through things...but life goes on...Good message...

The You Axis said...

Thanks darling :)From one sag to another...knew YOU would get it. As for the can only hope.

ndcush said...

Everyone will get it Phoenix, that's the beauty of writing, the mystery of interpretation and folly of comprehension:)

“Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard.”

“Don't ever give up on something or someone that you can't go a full day without thinking about.”

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

The You Axis said...

Hey there reader, your words are more than true. This is a more lighthearted side of you. Thanks for takin it easy on me wit this one. Faith is important to have...but hurt is hurt. love is love and pain inflicted by the one you love hurts. even if no one shows it or talks about it or even hints that it's is still there. sure strong faith won't let it take up residency for too long. However the duration of the hurting does not make it any less painful. especially when nobody knows just how deep the wound is...especially when the attacker doent know its own strength. thus not being unaware of just how deep the penetration was. so the scarred and wounded...well with faith and time will heal...eventually.