Thursday, August 21, 2008


He was the reason I would daydream. The happily ever after to my once upon a time. As we aged we grew better, like the nature of wine. He was the reason I would check my inbox every five seconds. He was the reason I waited. The reason I took the game to the next level. He was the reason that I wrote. He was my inspiration. He understood my ecleticness. He respected my variety. He was the reason I forgot everything I wanted to say when we talked. He made me feel empowered without even knowing. I just wanted his touch. Nah, Im fakin, I needed his loved. Against my soft skin. I want him now moreso than I thought I did then. He was the reason. The reason I raised the bar. He was the reason behind the alter ego named Star. He was receptive of Phoenix, but moreso he simply got me. He is the reason I create. He supports my habits. He is the patient tortoise & I the silly rabit. He believed in beauty of the mind and spirit. And I just want to tell him, confess it all. But i don't, cause if he wanted me, it is he would have something to tell. Oh well. I want no less. He is the reason, I am lost for words, the man leaves me breathless. Speechless. He is... He is the reason I wait. For another like him. He is the epidemy of man, he is the reason. He is not the excuse nor the lie. He is the spark to my pituitary gland, he is the unveiling of the third eye. He is fine, he is manish, he is all things grand. He is the reason and I crave the touch of his hand. I miss him when we are apart. He has stolen a piece of my heart. He is my muse, he is walking art. I am black magic in the flesh, poetry in motion. He is the moon and I am the ocean. Guided by his pull, reflecting his light. He is the day giving way to the night. He embody's my every want and desire. For him I crave. He will live in fantacy for many many days. We will dance in my mind and make love in all kinds of ways. We are a power couple, like none ever seen. He is my why I fantacize, he can be found behind the daze of my daydream. The milk in my tea. He is the reason, no other man is good enough for me. He is strong and wise, he encourages my everything. He is the beginning to the end and I don't know what that means. I've got a crush it seems. It's just surreal all the peace he brings. All the passion he screams. His wants out of life mirror, if not surpass, mine. He has an amazing spirit and a beautiful mind. He is the reason, I can't see past him. The maximum capacity. He can change this woman and that I thought no one could do. If you don't know who him is. Him has always been you.


ndcush said...

WOW!! Sounds like "Him" turned out to be a blessing afterall. Praise the Lord.

The You Axis said...
