Friday, August 1, 2008

What's Your Passion

Do u ever find yourself pondering the purpose of ur existence? Well I was like that up until this year. I had no clue as 2 what my purpose n life was. I had no idea who I was. I knew what I liked 2 do. I knew my interests and I knew my goals. What I didn't know was how to marry the two. Fortunately my passions led me down the path towards my destiny. I have been blessed, more times than I can count. My joys, my interests paved the way 2 my success. I have experienced things beyond my wildest dreams. A few dreams even came true:) I get 2 travel, meet celebraties (uh uh, no name droppin' here), write, create, meet new people, explore & be the business woman I have always aspired 2 b. Because I work in my fields of interest, I get 2 dive head 1st n 2 pools of all types information. Information that benefits my personal growth & well being; not 2 mention its fun for me. I love 2 learn, I love life, I love love; I love nature, I love 2 help people, I love 2 heal (of course, since there's tonssss of Native American blood running thru me) & I love 2 write, I love art & I love music. I am lucky 2 have 2 careers that award me oppotunities 2 dabble n all of that. It took me a while 2 figure it out & I'm still working on the specifics...right now I'm in the begining stages. Wow & thank God is all I can say at times. It feels surreal. It's beyond words. Dear readers, I want everyone 2 share n my joy. Are u doin what u love? Is ur line of work enriching & fulfilling beyond measure? Even if your journey is just starting, do you feel like your steps are guided n the direction U want? Find ur passion then ur purpose, find your core & what pleases u. Look inside self & see what comes up. Pray on it. Meditate on it. Sit & ponder about it over tea. Once you unviel it, b open 2 where it may take u. Begin looking 4 ways 2 incoporate n2 your everyday. I took the road less traveled. I took a chance. I stepped outside the familiar & stumbled across the a whole new world. Are u ready 2 ask the question & are you ready 4 the answer?


ndcush said...

That will make some reflect and analyze their current situation. I would have to say my passion is "Christ". Whatever I can do to become more Christlike in my actions, reactions, education, career, family, friends, behaviors, thought patterns, emotions, etc, that's my passion (oh and that does mean being or striving to be the best at everything I do:) How can I loose? If God is for us, who can be against us.

God Bless

JStar said...

I have to agree with ndcush...To be more chirstlike is a goal...I am taking actions to make that happen now...My career is fulfilling, maybe not what I want to do but I respect my job and what we do...Writing is my passion and I can have my career and write when I feel...Welcome back!