Monday, May 12, 2008

Tick Tock

There comes a point in every single persons life where a decision must be made. Do you continue down this selfish, fun yet often diappointing path, or do you throw in the towel and really adhere to the real thing. How do you know you are choosing the right suitor. Lord forbid, you pick the wrong one and then all the prospects on hold, waiting in the wind for the breakup. You spend time secretly wanting and lusting after others. Every fight or argument or everytime you are not getting what you want, when you want it, you think about the others. A part of you truly believes that any one of the others would be better. The grass is greener sydrome, is what keeps most of citizens of single satisfied. When one ain't acting right, call the next. When you commit, there is no one else to call. (Unless you are not faithful, that's a whole nother chapter for a whole different day.) How often do we, as single, run around all flustered and frustration for one reason or another? Sure relationships have there own share of problems but it's way easier to maintain a healthy relationship. As opposed to the annoyance accompanied with dating. It's fun for while, but like everything else it gets tired. When a man loves a woman. A beautiful song. So many songs represent what love is and what is should be like. Yet you will never ever know the real until you are presented with it. It's uncanny how it comes in, assesses the situation and then conquers. Relentlessy, dominating the physce. So much so that's the experience is breathtaking. How often we get lost in our past and use a cruch to not move forward. We allow our pain to hender our growth. We become subject to past demise and are consumed, knowingly and unknowlingly, by not being able to truly forgive. We don't forgive them for pain and we don't forgive ourselves for enduring. We don't let go. It haunts us like a shadow. Taking residence in our hearts and mind and weighing us down. Sqautting like a toad. Reaking like swine. We sink so deep that by the time we think to catch our breath, there is no air. The one you were pushing off, has moved on and you didn't notice. Somtimes two hearts come together and it's magic. It's like wow, who knew it would be you. Sometimes the stressing pays off, the wanting pays off. Even the games, played payed off. If you two make it past the initial bs, there no telling what could happen. It's all about timing and honestly you only get what you want when you really deserve it. You have to honest about what you too. No sense in saying you want less knowing you want more or accepting less when you deserve more or settling for less when you know you are entitled to better. Don't go for just anybody, but it's ok to give in. Celebrate singledom to the fullest, just know when the party's over.


ndcush said...

It's great being patient. All good things come to those who wait. Anything worth keeping or having will never come easy

The You Axis said...

That is never fails. Despite the pressing urgency, it is always worth the wait. Sort of how patience is bittersweet. The waiting, the bitter, the reward for waiting, sweet :)